Were all about Jesus!
Were all about Jesus!
Mercy is NOT getting what we deserve. God made us in His image, in His likeness, to reflect Him and enjoy Him. But we have turned away from Him and rejected Him... But in Jesus, God does not give us what we deserve! We deserve punishment but instead He gives us GRACE > > >
GRACE is getting what we don't deserve! It is the unearned, unmerited favour of God. In Jesus, God's Son, He offers all people the free gift of eternal life through forgiveness. This is received only by faith in Him - all and only because of His great LOVE > > >
IN LOVE for us JESUS took our place!
The the perfect and eternal God came to rescue us. He died on the cross, in our place, for our wrongdoing. Making a way for us to be fully forgiven forever. His dearly loved children! This is LOVE!
(See Ephesians 2:1-10 and Romans 5:6-11)